Cães de guarda : jornalistas e censores, do AI-5 a Constituição de 1988




This thesis is about the means of censorship that prevailed in Brazil between the AI-5 period (12/13/1968)and the Constitutionpromulgatedin 1988It analyses the relationship between the censors and the journalists who collaborated in the process, or who at least, did not oppose to their restrictive measures. One of the reasons for that behavior points to the fact that the first censorswho went to Brasilia, when it became the new capital, were also journalists by profession. One of the newspapers in São Paulo became well known for "hiring" journalists who were doubling as policemen. The technique of investigation for this dissertation started by charting the institutionallocus of the censorship agencies inside the government and the legislative schemes built in the republican period, between 1889and 1988.It was followedby the mappingof the generationsof censorship technicians from DCDP (Departamento de Censura de Diversão Pública) as well as the corporate strategycreatedbythat groupas survivorsafterthe officialcensorshipwas extinguishedin 1988.As part ofthe thesis, we have also traced the history ofthe newspaperFolha da Tarde, that belongs to the Folha da Manhã Group. The basic tools of investigation to the fields above indicated are related to cultural history. The methodology applied inserts political episodes and oral stories by witnesses, therefore giving room to people s voices and viewpoints. As conclusive remarks, we are stimulated to think about the relationship created among the press,journalists and historians - andtheirresponsibilitiesin relating to and making history of the their present times


censura imprensa ditadura e ditadores

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