Cadencias e decadencias do Brasil : (o futuro da nação a sobra de Darwin, Haeckel e Spencer) / Cadence and decadence of Brasil : the shadow of Darwin, Haeckel and Spencer over national future




As it is well known, the constitution of a new nation also corresponds to the construction of the very idea of nation and its own way to represent it as the object of thought which embraces social, cultural, economic, geographic, historical and political characters. The aim of this dissertation is to study the formation of this object of thought first of all as a request of the Philosophy of History in the 19th century, and further, as a notion worked in the core of the evolutionist theories of the period up to its incorporation as object that the state shall incorporate in the "art of governing". Therefore, the guideline of the study is to display the nation as a concept under formation, according to the guidelines of the integration of its many components. The authors whose texts we pursue this processes are, primarily, Euclides da Cunha, Manoel Bomfim and Silvio Romero, and secondarily, Oliveira Vianna. The dissertation is divided into four parts and nine chapters. In the first part, in three chapters, the hypothesis of the work, the historic settlement of the theme, and the guideline of the integration which gives the methodological orientation of the study, are presented. The second part, corresponding to one chapter, deals with the Philosophy of History as a typical 19th century literary genre, and with the problems of absorbing a new nation in such a level of representation of History as a rising process marked by discontinuities, "decadency", which also affect the integration of new nations. The third part, composed by four chapters, discoursed about the adoption of the evolutionism paradigms by home authors in Darwinist and pre Darwinist variations, as elements for knowledge criticism in treating themes, such as heritage and the adaptation along the historical process, considering the particulars of the environment, and of the human ?races? which integrate ideally into the nation. It is this treatment given by home authors that allows them to forsee a politic agenda for the Estate, now as the main nation factor or the political agent of its integration. Finally, the forth part presents final arguments of the study as of the correlations of the dissertation parts.


race pensamento critico raças - brasil evolucionismo evolucionism critical thought

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