Business in the heart of the dragon : factors for establishing a german/chinese JV in China / NEGÓCIOS REALIZADOS NO CORAÇÃO DO DRAGAO: FATORES PARA O ESTABELECIMENTO DE UMA JOINT VENTURE ALEMACHINESA NA CHINA


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




For multinational enterprises there are still limitations for the mode of market entry in China, especially in industry-sectors (automotive industry). Enterprises have to follow sector-specific requirements, such as establishing a Joint Venture (JV) with a Chinese partner and sharing the knowledge. This enforced way of collaboration,together with an often unknown business behaviour, causes (cultural) conflicts. The dissertation evaluates how internationalization strategies can be extended in the context of explaining the establishment process of an International JV in China.Because of that, we are going to show the relationships to the institutional environment. The target is to find out the important factors for establishing a JV in China. Therefore, after reviewing the organizational impact of cultural models, we have reviewed the literature about the cultural differences between German and Chinese companies.The findings of the research show,on one hand the reasons for the companies to establish an IJV in China are internationalization advantages, but on the other hand, the requirements of the Chinese Government to establish a JV for entering the Chinese market. As basic factors for German/Chinese JV, we identified the knowledge-networks and ownership advantages. Dependent on the business sector, specific requirements need to be considered. In addition, it is important to know about the business behaviour and the cultural background ofthe Business partner from China.If recognized and used by the enterprise, our proposed framework, which we created during this research process, provides a holistic picture for international companies about establishing an IJV in China.Besidesexplaining the interrelations of the different factors, the framework provides new knowledge and new research findings from our case and can be a useful tool for further researches in China or forlate starter to make successful business in China. Keywords: Internationalization strategies, Joint Venture, Institutions, SWOTAnalysis, OLI, Cross-Cultural Management


inovaÇÕes tecnolÓgicas - dissertaÇÕes empresas multinacionais - dissertaÇÕes joint ventures - dissertaÇÕes administracao de empresas

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