Buscando estratégias de sobrevivência: um estudo da condição sócio-econômica de famílias chefiadas por mulheres em Novos Alagados




This paper chooses the poor women, who are heads of household in Novos Alagados, Salvador Bahia, as its object of study. Its main purpose was to investigate those families survival strategies face to their incapacity to provide their members with their basic necessities. As a second purpose, it searched for different causes that lead women to assume the family command. This study sets out to answer: which are the strategies created by those women? or else, to which strategies are they submitted in order to provide material and affective survival to their families since their income is known to be insufficient? As a hypothesis, it is considered that social equipment as day-care centers and schools, aids from kinship nets and informal activities carried out to complement the income constitute alternative forms of survival of those families. The field research was carried through questionnaires, interviews and comments, besides a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches. The sample covered 25 families of Novos Alagados To achieve that aim, the study kept a dialogue about family, poverty and survival strategies with different fields of literature (sociological, economic and anthropological ones) The analysis of the empirical data confirms the creation of diverse strategies to ensure basic necessity attendance. Precocious pregnancy, separation, or widowhood were pointed as factors that lead to female-headed households.


estratégias de sobrevivência chefia feminina ciencias sociais aplicadas família pobreza

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