Busca multimodal para apoio à pesquisa em biodiversidade / Multimodal search to support research on biodiversity


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Research on Computing applied to biodiversity present several challenges, ranging from the massive volumes of highly heterogeneous data to the variety in user profiles. This kind of scenario requires versatile data retrieval and management tools. Available tools are still limited. Most often, they only consider textual data and do not take advantage of the multiple data types available, such as images or sounds. This dissertation discusses issues concerning multimodal queries that involve both text and images as search parameters, for the domanin of biodiversity. It presents the specification and implementation of a set of tools to process such queries, which were validate with real data from Unicamp s Zoology Museum. The aim contributions also include the construction of a taxonomic ontology that includes species common names, and support to both researchers and non-experts in queries. Such features extend the scop of queries available in biodiversity information systems. This research is associated with the Biocore project, jointly conducted by researchers in computing and biology, to design and develop computational tools to support research in biodiversity.


banco de dados sistemas de recuperação da informação biodiversidade imagens - recuperação ontologia databases information storage and retrieval systems biodiversity image database ontology

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