Building preventive patrol routes / Construção de rotas para patrulhamento urbano preventivo




In this text we study one aspect of the urban community policing: routine patrol route planning. We seek routes that guarantee visibility, as this has a sizable impact on the community s perceived safety and allows for quick emergency responses, and that provide surveillance of public buildings (e.g., hospitals, schools). The planning is restricted to the availability of vehides and strives to achieve balanced and short routes. We construct a computerized module, capable of automatic generation of routes for a given vehide fieet and lists of sites that must be visited. Such a module could be of interest to Police, Public Safety Departments, Municipal Service Agencies. The module implements an adaptation of the model for the multi-vehicle covering tour problem. It constitutes an integer program whose size and complexity makes the use of an exact method impractical. Suboptimal solutions are obtained with several heuristics, some by M. Hachicha et. al. (2000), and others of our own devising. In this model a set of locations must be visited, whereas another subset must be close enough to the planned routes. The heuristics aim to construct short routes so that one could make several rounds during a work shift. The implementation was done in MATLAB and its validation, as well as the model s, was based on the solution of randomly generated problems. Furthermore, data from the city of Vinhedo, SP, was obtained and tentative routes planned for the patroling of a choice of locations by the Municipal Guard. Their appraisal by the personnel in charge of the route planning will, without a doubt, help us improve the model and heuristics


heuristica otimização combinatoria problema de roteamento de veiculos heuristics programação inteira vehicle routing problem integer programming combinatorial optimization

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