Brinquedoteca na escola: entre a institucionalização do brincar e a estetização do aprender




Many are the debates, at the present moment, about social school purpose, which is demanding that people of these institutions re-examine, their practice and develop a critical vision of the school role in our society. Looking in this direction, there are several proposals with the objective to try to redefine their spaces. Looking these proposals, what is growing, is the importance of playing, understanding, that this activity, is being looked as a culturand historical human acivity, and children needs this practice, in the process of imagination, building, the feeling ,and production culture. Having this process in mind, and knowing a school ,where this process is being used, through a called #Playing Library#, where space and time to play within the school, I questioned how the fathers/responsabiles, teachers and of course students where looking at this space. My goal, was to check the different opinions , between all the interested citizens, and having a good understanding of the #Playing Library # importance, in the development learning process ,as well as ,the need of this space at school. This research was realized with childrens registred at the 4 year of elementary school, their mother end teachers. The information was collected through interviews called as: sense production space, new interpretation what is being lived, exchange experience arena between interwiewer and interwied. The information was analised through Bathkin contributions, and more specific the Speech Analysis. The analysis shows that the speeches are multiphonic and interact between themselves (mother, teacher, children speeches) and also are related to the present time, as well as the society in which we participate. We could realize that the act of playing is looked as a dicotomy logic, where learning must be serious, rational and disciplined, in opposition to play which is not underwstood as a learning process. Due to this, Playing Library# a contradiction place, because it is a time/place of playing located in a learning institution. Also It was questioned the dicotomy between knowledge production inside the class room, and the creative/imagination process at the #Playing Library#, as if it was not possible to be creative at the class room. However ,#Playing Library#, was also questioned, about its meaning against, what is understood as a logical learning process, being practicle #productive/pratical-usefull, and so #Playing Library# would be a lost of time and learning space. We can point out the main conclusions such as: #Playing Library# is pointed at the same time as a place where playing is being institutionalized # Space allowed for the this activity at school ,as well as presented as a possibility of esthetic learning , re-understanding of lived experiences, and new meaning and re-criation of the school institution.


aprendizagem brinquedoteca psicologia psicologia brincar - aspectos sociais

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