Breast cancer detection: knowledge, attitude and practices of the doctors and nurses of the family health strategy program of Mossoró-RN / Detecção do câncer de mama : conhecimento, atitude e prática dos médicos e enfermeiros da estratégia saúde da família de Mossoró(RN)




This is a cross-sectional study of exploratory and describing nature, that has the aim of to investigate the attitudes and practices of the doctors and nurses of the family health strategy program of Mossoró (RN) in respect to the diagnosis of breast cancer, and their knowledge about the Ministry of Health (MH) recommendations at this subject. To collect the datafulfill in march 2008, was used a self-applied questionnaire, compounded of social-demographic data, evaluation of the knowledge, attitudes and practices, applied to the 80 health professionals, being 33 doctors and 47 nurses. The data were organized and analyzed with descriptive statistics and for the bivariate analyzes the Pearson s chi-square test or Fisher s exact test was used when it was indicated. The participants have had an average age of 42 years old, 54,5% of the doctors and 89,0% of the nurses were women, 63,7% were married and with household income above 8 minimum wages. For the time of actuating on the primary attention, 45,5% of the doctors and 17,8% of the nurses have had at the most of 5 years. Weve obtained a low level of knowledge among the interviewed professionals, doctors 18,2% and nurses 0%, if we consider the beginning of mammographic screening from 50 years old, according to the MHs recommendations. The doctors and the nurses dont fill out the formularies of reference and contra reference in a correct manner and that, mainly the doctors, refer their patients in the absence of formularies. At the evaluation of the practice in the presence of a high risk, 35 years old woman, 2,1% of the nurses and 9,1% of the doctors would request a mammography. About the orientation of their patients at the diagnosis of breast cancer, 93,6% of the nurses and 48,5% of the doctor use at their ambulatories the information about the breast self-exam (BSE), orientation about the periodic consultation and the importance of the complementary exams (BCE). The majority of the interviewed participants is young, predominantly women, and married, with an average of 2 sons, with mean time to conclude the graduation in 10 years. They know the importance of the accomplishment of the BCE, however they dont demonstrate to know the correct time to its achievement. Few participants know the importance of the mammography as a screening method for breast cancer. The amount of mammographic exams offered by the SMS is small, and its schedule is passing by adaptation, these barriers difficult the planning of implantation of a municipal screening program. The populations lack of knowledge about the importance of prevention was the main limiting factor for the breast cancer screening, cited by the participants. We conclude that health professionals have no knowledge of the importance of mammography and age for the beginning of its implementation in screening for breast cancer, attitudes and inadequate recovery in completing the form reference and practical flaws with regard to young women with high risk for breast cancer and health education of the population they assisted. We conclude that to reach a decrease in mortality on breast cancer at Mossoró city, its necessary to work on three fronts: Implant and consolidate the Health and Permanent Educational National Program (HPENP); increase the offer of mammography exams available at the Primary Attention and promote health education for the population awaking the self-care for breast health. We suggest the implantation of the Breast Health Project and Mamaeduca Project.


saude coletiva saÚde da famÍlia - dissertaÇÕes cÂncer de mama - dissertaÇÕes oncologia - dissertaÇÕes

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