Breaking silence: professor Franklin Cascaes and his work at the Industrial School of Florianópolis / Rompendo o silêncio: a trajetória do professor Franklin Cascaes na Escola Industrial de Florianópolis




The present dissertation has as its objective placing in perspective the professional trajectory and analyzing the teaching practice characteristics of the Art Drawing teacher, Franklin Joaquim Cascaes in the period from 1941 to 1970 when he was working for the Industrial School in Florianópolis (presently called CEFET - Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Santa Catarina [Federal Centre for Technological Education of Santa Catarina]). By means of the records of his daily writings which have been kept in the CEFET archives and in the Osvaldo Rodrigues Cabral University Museum, such as drawing notebooks, exam papers, classroom diaries, administrative documents and mail which are present in his functional files, as well as the oral reports given by ex-pupils, the aim is to have a view of the trajectory of Franklin Cascaes as a teacher, something that remains silenced in biographical and auto-biographical narratives due to the greater emphasis put on his renown fame as artist/folklorist. This is a history of education research paper which tries to understand questions related to the classroom everyday life by means of the professional trajectory of a teacher fro the time of his initiation as a student to the time of his retirement as a teacher for the Industrial School of Florianópolis, SC, Brazil


escola industrial de florianópolis industrial school of florianópolis escritas cotidianas franklin cascaes prática docente daily writings franklin cascaes educacao teaching practice

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