Brazilian geopolitics in sub-saharan Africa: cooperative and or conflicting assertives of Geisels (1974-1979) and Lulas (2003-2006) governments. A study of comparative geopolitics / Geopolítica brasileira na África subsaariana: assertivas cooperativas e ou conflitivas dos governos de Geisel (1974-1979) e Lula (2003-2006). Um estudo de geopolítica comparada




The geopolitical underpinning the foreign policies implemented during the government of Lula and Geisel - in the first term - they are based on theories developed by thinkers such as geopolitical Mario Travassos, Meira Mattos and Golbery The current context of Saharan scenario, which involves many actors participants of the central structures of the world average and some power, amounting to a central Saharan region in the current geopolitical and serves as a justification for the historical contextualization of the Saharan region and the diplomatic action of Brazil and a comparison of the policies implemented during the governments of the two presidents. The search for similarities or disruptions in different contexts is searching for the continuity or discontinuity of diplomacy for the region. In addition, find the geopolitical projections for insertion of a country in central structures of the international system, formerly known a goal of Brazilian diplomacy.


assertions and international integration política externa foreign policy assertivas e inserção internacional geopolitics subsaariana saharan geopolítica

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