Brasilia and the modern paradigm: urban planning of the modern delay / Brasília e o paradigma modernista: planejamento urbano do moderno atraso




This work aims to observe the path of the deployment of modernist urban planning in Brasilia and its results. In another words, view the result of implementing a model of modern urban planning, more suitable for industrialized countries, in a society that, according to Francisco de Oliveira, combines the modern with late. For this, the choice was to do first is a reading of Brasilia as object of a national policy aimed at the expansion of domestic consumer markets and the integration of the nation (construction of a nationality), by means of what was called the national development of the Plano de Metas. In that context, it looks to the urban design of Brasilia in order to build an understanding of the precepts which marked the urban design of the new capital and those who ultimately influence the whole process of formation of the urban agglomeration. From these two approaches, analyses the action of the State in the implementation of the federal capital since 1955 to 2005 with regard to three views: the land, the housing and urban planning. After this work, after observation of the formation and evolution of urban city of Brasilia which was established within a national policy for development, it is an analysis of modern urban planning of Brasilia from the perspective of the interpretation of theoreticians about the Brazils society and the Brazilian state.


modernist ideology modernist city ideologia urban planning cidade planejamento urbano

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