Bone marrow transplantation and its repercussions on the quality of life of children and adolescents who experienced it. / O transplante de medula óssea e suas repercussões na qualidade de vida de crianças e adolescentes que o vivenciaram.




Nowadays, various knowledge areas take an increasing interest in the discussion about the quality of life of people submitted to bone marrow transplantation. This study aims to describe the experiences of children and adolescents who survived this kind of transplantation and to learn how this therapy mode affected their quality of life. Study participants were 14 children/adolescents between 7 and 17 years old, submitted to BMT at a school hospital in the interior of São Paulo, Brazil. In this qualitative research, data were collected by means of interviews, which were held at the participants’ homes or when they returned to hospital. Data were grouped into three theme areas: the past – memories of the illness and treatment; the present – growing up and living as a transplant survivor and the future – new roads in life. In describing the children’s and adolescents’ experience, the quality of life reference framework was disclosed, which is constructed according to their own experiences with the disease and treatment. The study demonstrated that children and adolescents who survived bone marrow transplantation lived their daily life within their limits and possibilities, in a restructuring and readjustment movement, projecting the hope of realizing plans and dreams in the future. As a result of empirical data, it can be affirmed that, in spite of the difficulties experienced by the children and adolescents in relation to the disease and the BMT, survivors have an optimistic view on their lives.


enfermagem pediátrica quality of life bone marrow transplantation child adolescent qualidade de vida criança adolescente transplante de medula óssea pediatric nursing

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