Body interpretation from six videos of Centro de Formação dos Trabalhadores da Saúde of Secretaria Municipal da Saúde de São Paulo’s video collection / "Interpretação do corpo a partir de seis vídeos integrantes da videoteca do centro de formação dos trabalhadores da saúde da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de São Paulo".




This study objective is to contribute with the analysis and evaluation of educational resources used in promotion and education actions in health area. Six videos about health service/ public services, women health and sexually transmissible illnesses/aids, being three of fiction and three of reporting/ documentary, have been selected from Centro de Formação dos Trabalhadores da Saúde (CEFOR) video collection. The material was analyzed with the objective of interpret which are the meanings of body configuration in the presented messages. To orient the analysis, individual/existential, social and politics body categories were used. It was also observed how the message was structured according to the utilization form of some audiovisual language resources such as script, edition, camera movement, frame, audio and scenery. It were identified some basic oppositions through which we could interpret the meanings given to the several body dimensions. Among them we can mention nature/ culture, individual/ society and part/ whole oppositions. From the analysis some considerations and suggestions related to the language resource utilization were elaborated aiming a better communication effectiveness, as well as thoughts about the presented body conceptions.


comunicação promoção da saúde communication health education recursos audiovisuais educação em saúde. corpo humano audiovisual aids human body health promotion

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