Body Dysmorphic Disorder Scale: psychometric properties / Escala de Avaliação do Transtorno Dismórfico Corporal: propriedades psicométricas




The study analyzed the psychometric properties of the Scale of Assessment of Body Dymorphic Disorder - SA-BDD. Were estimated the content validity, construct validity, validity of criterion and internal consistency of the instrument. The sample was integrated by three groups: G1: 30 patients diagnosed with BDD (F = 70% and M = 30%), G2: 400 college students (F = 74.5% and M = 25.5%) and G3: 10 professionals of Psychology (N = 4), Psychiatry (N = 2), Dentistry (N = 2) and Plastic Surgery (N = 2) with clinical experience between 8 and 31 years. The SA-BDD is a 35- item instrument answered by a 4-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (fully disagree) to 4 (totally agree). Originally, items were developed to evaluate three dimensions, described in the literature as typical of the BDD: 1. Concern with a defect in appearance, 2. Suffering and loss of social and/or occupational functioning, and other, 3. Concern is not better explained by other disorders such as anorexia. Items of the first version of the scale were reformulated and divided into groups of items with 4 statements regarding each level of intensity. Five (5) more items of groups were also developed to increase the number of items for differential diagnosis (dimension 3). A theoretical analysis of the 40 groups of items, carried out by independent judges, gave measure of the content validity of the scale. Judges have not agreed on five items. The scale was then applied to G1 and G2. The factor analysis with Varimax rotation pointed to a one-dimension solution, consisting of 28 items, loading above 0.53, bringing together two of the theoretical dimensions: "Concern with a defect in appearance and suffering and loss of social and or occupational functioning, and others." The validity of criterion, carried out by the Mann- Whitney U test showed that 30 of the 35 items are sensitive to discriminate individuals diagnosed with BDD from individuals without this diagnosis. The scale showed an excellent internal consistency with Cronbach s alpha equal to 0.97. It was concluded that 28 items should be retained for a new version of the instrument (SA-BDD-28), which showed good content validity, construct validity, validity of criterion and reliability. Considerations regarding the one-dimensional solution and suggestions for further study are made.


self-report psicologia somatoform disorder auto-relato transtorno somatoforme psychological assessment health care avaliação psicológica assistência à saúde

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