Blood pressure monitoring of branch retinal vein occlusion patients / "Monitorização ambulatorial da pressão arterial de pacientes com oclusão do ramo da veia central da retina"




Objective: Identifying with Blood pressure monitoring (BPM) in patients with branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO): high blood pressure (HBP) prevalence, possible cases of white-coat normotension (WCNT) and variation of circadian blood pressure (BP). Methods: Prospectively, 93 cases/eyes of 83 patients with BRVO were evaluated at Ophthalmological Clinic of "Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo" (HCFMUSP). After that, patients were taken to Hypertension League of Nephrology Chair of HCFMUSP (LH-HCFMUSP) for clinical evaluation and blood pressure monitoring. Non-dipper was defined as a fall in systolic blood pressure = 10%, and dipper when this value was higher


monitorizaÇÃo ambulatorial da pressÃo arterial retinal vein occlusion blood pressure hypertension/epidemiology hipertensÃo arterial/epidemiologia oclusÃo da veia retiniana blood pressure monitoring ambulatory pressÃo arterial

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