Blood parameters of polo horses in exercise supplemented with sunflower oil / Paramentros sanguineos em cavalos de Polo em atividades, suplementados com Ãleo de girassol




An experiment was conducted on the Santa Helena Farm, town of Indaiatuba, with the purpose of studying the stamina resistance by utilizing sunflower oil as a source of energy for polo horses. 12 thoroughbred breed horses, aged nine years, on average and average weight of 400kg in a completely randomized design (CRD) with split plot with four treatments (levels of oil 0,100, 200, 300ml) and five collections (initial, before and after first and second day) in a factorial scheme, analyzed by the SISVAR package were utilized (Ferreira, 2000). The period of experimentation was 30 days, where the animals were given the respective treatments and were trained, and on weekends, they participated in polo games. The blood collections occurred in the start of the experiment and before and after the game on the 29th and 30th days of experiment For the variants creatinine, pocket cells and hemoglobin, no significant effects of the oil and of the collections (p>0,05) on the variants were observed. Creatinine presented high values in the collections after exercise and the pocket cell and hemoglobine showed a significant variation the collections before and after exercise in 1Â and 2Â competitions day. Glucose presented no significant effect of oil, but the effect of the collections was significant, elevated values at the level of 300 ml and in the collections after exercise being found. For the enzymes ALT (alanine tranferase), AST (aspartate aminotransferase), no effects of the level of oil (P>0.05) were found, and only for AST, effect of collection was observed (p<0.05). The variant cholesterol presented a significant effect for the levels of oil and collection (p<0.05). At the level 300 ml and on the second day of competition, elevated values were observed. The enzyme Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), presented a significant interaction (p<0.05) between the level of oil and the collection, presenting increased activity at the level of 300 ml and in the final collection of the exercise. The levels of sunflower oil didn t influence the energy metabolism of Pole horses.


cavalo sunflower oil suplementaÃÃo com Ãleo supplementation zootecnia horse pÃlo polo

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