Blásfemos e sonhadores: ideologia, utopia e sociabilidades nas campanhas anarquistas em A Lanterna (1909-1916) / Blasphemous and dreamers: ideology, utopia and sociabilities in the anarchists campaigns in A Lanterna (1909-1916)




This research has its core on the political and social stir led by the anarchist militancy of São Paulo around two campaigns that took place between 1909 and 1916: The first, against the Christóvam Colombo Arts and Trades Orphanage and the later in favor of building the so called Modern Schools in São Paulo. Its main documental resource is the records of anarchist militancy participation on the collective forge of the newspaper A Lanterna between 1909 and 1916. This study pursued the constitution of a reading concerning main aspects of sociability developed and incited amidst these flusters and connected directly with educational issues on Brazil over those years. On the articles and briefings collectively made and spread by A Lanterna about both campaigns were found and outlined several signs that point to a singular and yet multifaceted constellation of political, social and cultural aspects of resistance, critique and transformation of the reality they lived. From the records of a collective construction and diffusion of knowledge and practices through the induction of acceptance of sociabilities specific adapted to the circumstances of their agitations were forged instruments for both the denounce of ideological aspects of dominant speech as to the inquiry of their own utopic ideas on their living realities. In the use of these instruments, this research could perceive a clear concern about the coherence between means and goals in the knowledge and practice developed by this militancy.


sociabilidade brazilian republican history utopia utopia social history anarchism ideology resistance culture história social ideologia cultura de resistência press sociability anarquismo imprensa história do brasil república

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