Black women students in the Brazilian Higher Education / Elas são pretas : cotidiano de estudantes negras na UNICAMP




This dissertation aims to examine how experiences related to race, gender and social class are articulated in everyday academic life of black women, college students, at UNICAMP (1989-2001). Our purpose is to provide more data on the presence of black women at the University of Campinas, through the figure of the black woman student, capturing the diversity that this term may encompass. The analysis of interviews and autobiographies will be our primary means of research. We ll endeavor to understand the autobiographical effort in trying to interpret and reconstruct the academic experience of these students. The goal is to see the contradictions in collective representation of black women and the representation which is made by them about their presence as students at the university. Does access to higher education influence the dissolution of the stereotypical representation of black woman?


ensino superior black students racial relationship estudantes negros relações raciais black women universidades e faculdades mulheres negras - educação universities and colleges higher education

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