Biotécnicas da reprodução animal aplicadas à conservação de cervídeos.






The present work aimed to present a literature research about two deer species - Blastocerus dichotomus (llliger, 1815) - Cervo-do-pantanal and Ozotocerus bezoarticus (Linnaeus, 1758) - Veado-campeiro, due to their importance in Central Brazil. The main aspects studied were: species biology, density and populational distribution; factors related to their decreased numbers; and the use of biotechniques of animal husbandry for propagation and conservation of deer, as environmental compensation. Using available data in the literature, it is possible to realize that depending on the region studied, both deer species showed population fluctuation in the past years. Apart local population density, both are part of the red data book on native Brazilian species of mammals threatened of extinction. The main determinants of reduced populations are habitat degradation an hunting. Biotechniques of animal breeding have been tested and adapted for deer conservation and husbandry, but physiology of deer reproduction is still largely unknown. Techniques of assisted reproduction of deer have the potential to be recommended as environmental compensation.


cervo reprodução animal densidade demográfica biologia animal preservação veado cervidae reproduction demography zoology preservation

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