Biology, Reproductive Capacity and Leaf Consumption of Diabrotica speciosa (Germar, 1892 ) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) on Different Host Plants / Biologia, Capacidade Reprodutiva e Consumo Foliar de Diabrotica speciosa ( Germar, 1892 ) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) em diferentes hospedeiros




This work was carried out at the Entomology Laboratory of Embrapa Agropecuária Oeste, in Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul State, and had the aim to evaluate the influence of different foods on larval and adult phases of D. speciosa (Germar, 1984) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). The work had the following three experiments: i) the food influence on adult phase; ii) the food influence on larval phase, and iii) the influence of food type on leaf consumption. In the first experiment, five host plants (i.e. common bean, soybean, turnip, corn, and wheat) were tested to investigate their influence on adult phase when insects were fed with corn during larval phase. In the second experiment, common bean, corn, soybean, turnip, potato and wheat were used to evaluate their influence on larval phase of insects that were fed with only one type of host plant on adult phase. In the last experiment, leaf consumption of common bean, turnip, soybean and corn by adults of D. speciosa was evaluated under free choice and confined conditions. The average duration of larval to adult period was 25.8 days for the experiment to study the food influence on adult phase, with an average viability of 25.8% and a similar period of pre-oviposition for all different host plants. However, fecundity and longevity were influenced by the different foods during the oviposition period. With regard to longevity, we observed that both male and female had greater longevity when fed with common bean, soybean and turnipcompared to the ones fed with corn and wheat. Incubation time and viability of eggs were similar for all host plants. In the experiment of different host plants during the larval phase, the average period of larval to adult phase was greater for potato and wheat than for turnip and corn. The oviposition period was similar for all tested food types durind the larval phase. However, the pre-oviposition, fecundity and longevity periods for males and incubation period and viability of eggs were influenced by the different food types offered during the larval phase. In the experiment of leaf consumption, D. speciosa adults did show a better feeding of soybean, turnip and corn when compared to common bean for both free choice and confined conditions


insetos - agricultura insecta root worm zoologia aplicada planta hospedeira host plant criação rearing reproduction insecta vaquinha reprodução

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