Biologia floral e reprodutiva de Galipea jasminiflora Engler (Rutaceal)




The present study is concerned with some aspects of reproductive biology of Galipea jasminiflora Engler, particularly pollination and dispersal. Field work was carried out in the Santa Genebra Forest Reserve (Campinas, São Paulo State), from february 1989 to december 1990. Morphological and funcional aspects of the flower were studied, together with the behaviour of the most important diurnal and nocturnal visitors. The reproductive systems, the development of fruits and their maturation were also studied, as well as seeds dispersal and germination. The flowering period of G. Jasminiflora starts in february and extends until april. The flowers are tubular, zygomorphic, hermaphrodite, whitish and exhale and agreeable odour. Anthesis is crespucular (about 06:00 p.m.) and the life time of flower is approximately 48 hours. In the first 24 hours the flower exhibits the male phase, with the anthers exposed and the stigma and style included in the corola tube. Durign the remaing 24 hours the flower enters the female phase, the anthers detach down the filaments and style extends and exposes the stigma. The nectar exsudes in small quantities, but its production is continuous during both phases. The flowers of G. Jasminiflora are visited by several diurnal and noctural insects. In the first group, butterflies...Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations


flores - reprodução plantas - fertilização

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