Bioactivity of the mexican-tea, Chenopodium ambrosioides L. (Chenopodiaceae), in relation to Sitophilus zeamais Mots., 1855 (Col.: Curculionidae). / Bioatividade da erva-de-santa-maria, Chenopodium ambrosioides L. (Chenopodiaceae), em relação a Sitophilus zeamais Mots., 1855 (Col.: Curculionidae).




This work deals with the influence of the powder and aqueous extracts of C. ambrosioides on the maize weevil, S. zeamais. The powders tested were obtained from leaves, branches, fruits and the whole plant (with fruits), when the plant was in the fructification period. The insects were obtained from a population reared on wheat grains. The effect of the powders from the different vegetal structures and from the whole plant (with fruits) was evaluated concerning the insect behavior (attractiveness and/or repellence), insecticide activity on the immature and adult phases, and the insecticide residual power on the adult phase, with the powder alone and mixed with wheat grains. The insecticide activity of the aqueous extract from the different structures and from the whole plant (with fruits) was evaluated on immature and adult S. zeamais. The results were as follows: a) powders from fruits, branches and leaves of C. ambrosioides are not repellent to S. zeamais adults; b) powders from branches and leaves do not present insecticide activity against S. zeamais adults; c) the compounds with insecticide activity are present in the C. ambrosioides fruits; d) powders from fruits present insecticide residual effect against S. zeamais adults for a period up to 5 days; e) powders from fruits and from the whole plant (with fruits), applied 15 days after initial infestation, present insecticide effect on S. zeamais immature phase; f) the aqueous extracts do not affect the survival and the adult emergence of S. zeamais.


inseticida vegetal maize weevil mexican-tea natural ensecticide erva-de-santa-maria gorgulho-do-milho

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