Bioaccumulation of aluminium and its effects on toxic alcoholic fermentation in industries strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae / Bioacúmulo de alumínio e seus efeitos tóxicos na fermentação alcoólica em linhagens industriais de Saccharomyces cerevisiae




This study aimed to assess the effect of aluminium on the alcoholic fermentation using different strains of industrial yeasts (CAT-1, BG-1, PE-2, Fleischmann and wild yeast colonies isolated from production of alcohol fuel called C1, C5 , C6, C8, C10 and C11) in different concentrations of aluminium and also examine the accumulation of metal in yeast during fermentation with reused of cells, similar to industrial process, for such parameters have been assessed as: production of ethanol, fermentation rate, formation of biomass, glycerol production, use of trehalose, fermentative efficiency and accumulation of Al by yeasts. The experiments were divided into three parts: 1st available the toxic action of the aluminum front of industrial yeasts BG-1, CAT-1, Fleischmann and PE-2 in the fermentation of grape juice from cane (19% TS) with 130 ppm Al. 2nd available the toxic action of the aluminium front of the yeast industrial CAT-1 and the colonies of yeast C1, C5 and C6 isolated from a distillery producing alcohol fuel molasses fermenting of sugar cane juice (19% TS) with 54 ppm Al with 5 recyclation of cells and the 3rd was to evaluate the toxic action of the aluminium front of the industrial CAT-1 yeast and yeast colonies of C8, C10 and C11 isolated from a distillery producing alcohol fuel molasses fermenting of sugar cane juice (19% TS) with 54 ppm Al with 5 recyclation of cell. The results showed that in the first experiment, the toxic action of aluminium in the broth must involve stressful effects depending on different strain of yeast evaluated. The strain CAT-1 and BG-1 are the most tolerant to aluminium, compared with PE-2 and Fleischmann, the latter being the most vulnerable regarding all parameters studied. In the second the results allow us to conclude that toxic levels of aluminum in the broth must exercise a differentiated action in relation to industrial yeast. Deducing that the CAT-1 was the most tolerant even the metal accumulated more aluminum, the yield was the highest levels and levels of trehalose were also lower. However, in general it can be inferred that the yeast C6 and CAT-1 are more tolerant to aluminum than the yeast C1 and C5. In the third test, it was concluded that the CAT-1 was the most tolerant to the metal Al compared with the wild strains C8, C10 and C11, with the main effect in reducing the viability and growth of fermentation time. Overall the strain of yeast CAT-1 showed better performance fermentation front of toxic action of aluminium.


aluminum toxic bioaccumulation alumínio - toxicidade alcoholic fermentatio yeast strain. leveduras. fermentação alcoólica

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