Bibliotecas particulares e dispositivos de leitura




Based on studies about Pierre Bourdieus habitus and life style, in order to understand the personal library and reading habits, as power and distinction symbols that are known and expressed in the habit and life style of a dominant culture and therefore recognized as such by other life styles. Habits that require a time without urgency portrayed in an activity with no immediate practical means, exclude popular classes deprived of appropriate legitimate instruments, as familiar education and school system have not provided this intimacy and, therefore values of a dominant culture are not known, but are recognized as important and thus they attempt to reproduce them in their lives. A private library is a symbol of distinction and of reading habit, a habit mainly of the dominant culture and as such is valued and attempts to reproduce it is made by other cultures. As historical reference, I follow the inventories and researches of reading habits by Roger Chartier, in a study about reading and readers of France of the Ancient Regime, making distinctions between popular and dominant classes, field and city, analyzing different printing forms, overviewing studies of books storing furnishings of the time, different forms of text appropriation and even appropriate reading clothing. Through statements, autobiographical texts or memorialists and parts of romances where center figures are readers and librarians, I tried to search the history of the reading manners, identifying specific dispositions that distinguish the reading communities and their reading habits. There are many resemblances and equally many contrasts among reading rules and conventions, which define for each readers community, the legitimate uses of the book, such as ways of reading, instruments and interpretation procedures. Resemblances and contrasts therefore are found among several interests and expectations with which the different reading groups invest in their reading practices


bibliotecas particulares habito de leitura livros e leitura -- brasil ciencias sociais aplicadas biblioteca pessoal personal library

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