This search takes from inquiry question: in the world-wide and thecnologycal where they are, it looks for understanding how they live together and interact themselves, inside the school, the library and computer lab, as writing, knowledge and reading production place. It was based on qualifier search of cultural-hystoric approach taken place by Lev S Vygotsky and Mikhail Bakhtin. The search field composed itself two public schools in Juiz de Fora city state of Minas Gerais. The study developed itself throughout two methodologic tools: half-structured interview with two library teachers, one teacher head of computer lab, three classroom teachers and two teaching coordinators; analysis of data; observation and quiz. The data analysis is organized into two rates: (a) literacy at schools and (b) people and the continuing education; rethinking the pedagogical practice. This search points to the necessity of each school institution builds/runs after the plural possibilities of library use and the computer lab. Relationship/interactions possible between these place and the classroom must be promoted once to construct writers and reader students, nowadays, it does not limit itself only to the printed matter or to the digital one. Both of them live together and they are used in society. For this occurring, the existence of material sources is not enough, like books and computers; It is needed a commom reflexion about its use, to become available its access related to educational offers wich becomes its use meaningful. It is also urgent promoting the graduation for the tecnico and educational use of the technologies, available and present inside the school for all school community. Considering the found diversity among the workers, the imposed requirement by advance of TIC and the time-space conditions on school places. It can think about continuing education on distance modality. The school, the university and the government must be blame themselves by development on docent and discents of writing and reading habilities into supports different. Advancing the required and plural literacies and certifies the access of these readers to the new media. Finally, it is time to reframe the school library and the computer lab, for they transmute themselves into collective spaces of reading, writing, search, interaction, knowledge production and for they will be attended by all school community


educacao biblioteca escolar laboratório de informática letramentos formação de professores school library computer lab literacies teachers graduation

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