Beyond the edge of the river - the occupation Konduri and Pocó in the region of Porto Trombetas-PA / Além da margem do rio - a ocupação Konduri e Pocó na região de Porto Trombetas, PA




The available historical sources for the area of the Nhamundá-Trombetas rivers, in the lower Amazon, report the existence of populous settlings, hierarchical forms of social organization and religious cults, indicating the existence of complex societies during the time of the first contacts. In the second half of the 19th century, elaborated ceramic and stone idols were discovered in this area. These elements associated with the historical reports led to the hypothesis of the existence of cultural complexity in this region previous to the contact. In this context, the region of the Trombetas river acquired visibility for Amazon archaeology. Archaeological studies carried out in the Porto Trombetas region in the 1970s demonstrated the existence of two ceramist occupations spread along the rivers and the lakes: an older one - Pocó; and a more recent one - Konduri. Recent research, in the same region, carried out in the scope of contract archaeology, allowed the identification of small sites showing distinct characteristics from those located in the edges of the rivers and associated with Konduri occupation. The study and comparison between the sites located in the edges of the rivers and in the interfluve zone will show that the prehistoric societies from that region exploited and dominated both environments.


amazônia lower amazon archaeology konduri ceramics arqueologia do baixo amazonas cerâmica konduri cerâmica pocó pocó ceramics amazonia

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