Between guards and large houses: a little bit of the regional history of Rio Grande do Sul / Entre guardas e casarões: um pouco da história do interior do RS - uma perspectiva arqueológica




The object of this thesis is the material culture of historical archaeological sites from the XIX century in Rio Grande do Sul: Site guarda de San Martin and House of the Mello - Both located in São Martinho da Serra. The main purposes were contextualize the history of Rio Grande do Sul beninning from XVII century: an indigenous context, a perspective of the people living in the missionary regions as well as the Spanish and Portugueses in urban and rural areas; identify characters and associate then to the context: tropeiros from sorocaba, farmers, militaries, libanese immigrants, liberal professionals; characterize the everyday seting og the XIX century in central and frontier regions; about the excavations in 1995, 1997, 1999 and 2001 in São Martinho da Serra identify the technics of historical archaeology excavations (characterise and identify the applicability of these technics and interpretations); identify how the groups that occupied São Martinho trough time started to change the rural and urban landscape by leaving their marks on the material culture and structures; identify and analyze aspects of the Rio Grande do Sul history (the wars, frontier definitions, politics, urbanization, freemasonry...). The two sites had their material culture studied (china, glass, Indian ceramics, black slaves ceramics, military, domestic and personal material, the horses equipment, keys and some specific stones. As well as the physical and structural spaces (one of the headquarters, the houses and their dispertion, the streets, the house of slaves and the kitchen).


interior do rio grande do sul arqueologia histórica rio grande do sul interior historical archaeolohy cultura material material culture

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