Bergson: the creator conscience metaphysical of science / Bergson: a consciência criadora metafísica da ciência




The Philosophy of the Spirit is the form of self-knowledge, as it outlines the path of the spiritual principle in its process of creation. The first moment of this process of the Creation consists of the differentiation of the Unit in the multiplicity of natural beings. In this manner, phenomenology of the life is defined, whose prolongation, for Bergson, is the phenomenology of the spirit. Such process allows one to describe the genesis of the intellect, in order to base its analytical structure and to establish knowledge critics. The intellect, given its pragmatic vocation, is what will define the rational procedures of science; however, given its quantitative concept of the apparent real, it does not serve to metaphysical knowledge. Thus, intelligence triggers the initial search process for emanating presence in the phenomenon world, consequently giving access to the subjective spirit of knowing the spiritual substance in one self in its immediateness. To follow the process of development of the spirit in its immediateness is only possible by intuition, allowing identification, in essence, with the generator process, in a way to constitute a positive metaphysic, as a foundation pillar in a Science Encyclopedia, as well as the possibility to fulfill the internal objective, to create infinitely.


spirit intuição metaphysic metafísica intelecto criação intuition creation espírito intellect

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