Benefício do sistema de frequência modulada em crianças usuárias de aparelhos de amplificação sonora individual e implante coclear / Benefit of the frequency modulation system for children users of individual sound amplification devices and cochlear implants


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The child with sensorineural hearing loss presents more difficulty to understand speech in noise compared with children with normal hearing. Therefore, it is important to consider the use of resources, such as the frequency modulation (FM) system, which help users of hearing aids (HA) and cochlear implants (CI) in speech recognition in noise. OBJECTIVE: verify the benefit of the FM system in children with sensorineural hearing loss users of hearing aid and/or CI. METHOD: We studied 30 children aged between 6 and 13 years divided into three groups: group 1 (bimodal fitting), group 2 (binaural fitting of hearing aids) and control group (normal hearing). The subjects were evaluated as to speech recognition in noise, and subjects of group 1 and 2 underwent evaluation with and without the FM system. RESULTS: The FM system showed statistically significant benefits for users of hearing aid and CI. The mean improvement in the FM system was 9.7 dB signal/noise ratio for group 1 and 17.2 dB signal/noise ratio for group 2. The comparison with the control group showed that for a child user of hearing aid and/or CI it may be necessary an improvement in S/N ratio greater than 10dB in order to achieve the same degree of speech recognition of normal hearing children. CONCLUSION: The FM system benefits children with hearing loss users of hearing aid and/or CI in speech.


auxiliares de audição child cochlear implant criança hearing aids hearing loss implante coclear noise perda auditiva razão sinal-ruído ruído signal-to-noise ratio

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