Bending moments in the support of slabs made by precast joist with lattice reinforcement. / Estudo dos momentos fletores negativos nos apoios de lajes formadas por elementos pré-moldados tipo nervuras com armação treliçada.




This work deal with an usual type of slab in Brazil: slabs made by precast joist with lattice reinforcement. The goal of this work is the structural analysis of bending moments in the supports of slabs made by this kind of precast element. Theoretical and experimental models analyze this type of slab. In the theoretical analysis, the non-linear concrete behavior is done by moment x curvature relationship of Model Code CEB-90 add incremental load technique. The theoretical model is compared with experimental results of continuous strip slabs designed with different degrees of bending moment redistribution. In these analysis had been noted: a) the theoretical model presents good results compared with the experimental results, b) the slabs present good plastic rotation capacity, c) with high negative reinforcement ratio in the support does not happen moment redistribution, d) the displacement is practically independent of negative reinforcement ratio and e) the ultimate load is practically independent of redistribution degree idealized in the design.


concreto armado bending redistribution comportamento não-linear análise experimental laje pré-moldada plastic rotations experimental analysis reinforced concrete precast slabs non-linear behavior rotações plásticas redistribuição de esforços

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