behaviour and performance of heifers and brown-Swiss girolanda system of rotational grazing on irrigated in the semi-arid northeast / comportamento e desempenho de novilhas pardo-suiÃa e girolanda em sistema de pastejo rotacionado irrigado no semi-Ãrido nordestino




The experiment took place at the experimental station of Vale do Curu (FEVC) of the Federal University of CearÃ. The station is located in the irrigated area of the Pentecoste county which is located in the semi-arid region of CearÃ. Heifers of Brown-Swiss an Girolanda were kept under a continuous grazing system with irrigated pasture of Panicum maximum (CV): ColoniÃo. Two treatments were applied: mineral salt (SM) and mineral salt plus protein (SMP). The body wight and corporal measurement (thorax perimeter, hip height, and length of mammary gland) were made concomitantly and every 15 days. The samples of pasture and simulated grazing were analyzed for dry matter, brute protein,neutral detergent fiber, and acid detergent fiber prior to the animal entrance into the pasture.The experimental units were distributed in a complete randomized block design (CRBD)with ten heifers per treatment. The animals showed good average weight gain (1,029 kg/animal/day), no statistical difference was observed between the treatments even with a higher intake of SMP. The corporal measures showed little variation between pasture fields and between cycles that could be attributed to irregular manure deposition. The grass available for the animal had good protein and fiber contents. The activity was economically stable, with possibility of expansion and of being self sustainable for a long time. The post wean producer in these areas could be demanded for this phase of growth by more specialized producers.


zootecnia behavior, performance, thermal stress comportamento, desempenho, estresse tÃrmico

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