Behavior and public interest actions in the confrontation of infantile respiratory illnesses in an urban nesting. / Comportamentos e ações populares no enfrentamento de doenças respiratórias infantis em um assentamento urbano.




This study investigates behaviors and actions directed toward children?s cares, who suffer by infantile respiratory illnesses or people who deal with these illnesses during their whole lives in an urban settlement in Fortaleza. This research started from a popular semiology analysis, built up according to emics that were identified on categories of true cases narratives, through which are reconstituted the experiences of these infantile respiratory problems. The theoretical and methodological referential adopted was references adopted were named as system of signs, meanings and action, developed by Corin, Bibeau and others, applied to understanding and explanation of behaviors in order to face these illnesses. This ethnographic field study was carried with twenty two key-subjects in this settlement. Some following data of production techniques were used as interview, the key-subjects? comments and dossier information, whose propose was to fulfill and make easy the information triangulation. The analyzed results regarding citizens? behaviors concerning infantile respiratory illnesses allowed us to infer them as structural pathogenic devices to these illnesses culture, social-economic standing, biology, geography and politics; while poverty, environment and their own stories of settlement consisted of a structuring answers of circumstances. Concerning clarifying model analysis of infantile respiratory illnesses, we observed that descriptions on causality, transmission, manifestations, gravity, therapeutic and preventive processes are characterized under culture, psychological, spiritual, social-economic, political and environmental points of view. Considering up from their speeches, the key-subjects produced a holistic vision of health as well as of the studied illnesses. Mostly, they interrelated environmental, social, economic and psychological factors in a multi-causal perspective since they were supported in some forms of treating and preventing such illnesses. It was evidenced that mothers presented precaution reactions to promote and construct solid, affective and emotional bonds with their children. We also verified that several behaviors concerning respiratory illnesses are closely related to social-cultural context, but are mostly influenced by other aspects as knowledge and availability of therapeutic resources; accessibility to resources of communitarian sector such as prayer women and people who prepare remedies from medicine plants and in some cases, we observed the interference of emotions, social-economic conditions as well as of evaluation that make part of the available therapeutic systems. Finally, we consider these findings of great repercussion in these people?s lives, since there is integration of social-cultural, economic, political and environmental contexts and in attitudes that promote infantile health. Hence, health attitudes, effectively, will only reach these communities, when this social-cultural universe get into the politics responsible for infantile health and destined to these communities, on the contrary, the actions will remain as a communitarian way of infantile respiratory illnesses confrontation.


antropologia da saúde antropologia etnografia infantile respiratory illnesses ethnography behaviors and action antropologia da saúde comportamentos e ações etnografia health anthropology doenças respiratórias infantis doenças respiratórias infantis

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