Beckers education: things that go out wind...(1875-1900) / Padeiros - educadores: coisa que o tempo levou...(1875-1900)




This work is the undertaken result of a historical reasearch, concerning the insert of literary association, Spiritual Baker (Padaria Espiritual), and their social-historical agents, with their involviment in education practices in the end of the XIX century. By literary association, we understood a series of groups among them, unions, cabinets of readings, literary clubs, intellectuais, learned, novelists, writers, scientists, naturalistic-realist, poets, nefelibatas, parnasos, total intellectuais, citizen writers, men of literacy, intellectuais, that moved by a literary passion, were centered in a dynamic of national identify formation. It was in the XIX century, that science was establishing its foundations as the guardian of the truth, influencing with their ideas, theories and currents, the construction of knowledge and fields.The Bakers pedagogyzives the literature of that time, guiding the learned readers view, on the provincial Ceará. Using some authors to compose a theoretical referential that could manage to express the immensity of the problem, and the retlessness, we accomplished the research based on a Bourdieu methodology because they are theoretical head offices of cultural history. Crossing primary, secondary and romance literature sources weve chosen to accompany and to guide us the perspective of : Svescenko, Williams, Ginzburg, Certeau, Darton, Chartier and Bourdieu. This research tells the reports and narratives of those historical agents, which moved a series of symbolic capitais, while people, or even better individual beings were historical and social agents in their time, its exactly in this period, which education is seen as a characteristic of social evilness.


sociedades literárias-história-1870-1900 educação-ceará-história-1870-1900 padaria espiritual educação na literatura história da educação ceará-condições sociais-1870-1900 education history historia da educacao literatura e sociedade-ceará-história-1870-1900 literatura - século xix ceará-vida intelectual-história-1870-1900 literature - century xix

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