Barreiras socio-culturais e lazer das pessoas portadoras de deficiencia fisica : um estudo do grupo Fraternidade Cristã de Doença e Deficiencia de Campinas, SP




A study about the group "Fraternidade cristã de doença e deficiência (FCDCampinas, SP.)". In this work we proposed to study the social cultural barrier that interfere in the leisure of people physically deficient (PPDF). For that we believe it is necessary diagnose cultural contents (activities) more practiced in the leisure moments, what frequency (time) and which places (spaces) they happen as well as to perceive the ways of participation and organization of leisure activities. By searching for these data in the natural environment where those people live and have as main research instrument the own researcher, we characterize this research as the quality research. A ethnography approach led the present study while it was useful to describe a system of cultural meanings of a determinate group, the group "Fraternidade cristã de doença e deficiência (FCD-Campinas, SP.)". After attending the meetings of the group between July/95 and /december/97 and participated of several events with the group (walks, manifestations, parties) we interviewed eight members who participate regularly of the group in order to find out the difficulties that they usually find to have access in leisure. Through the answers founcLit was possible to come to some conclusions: there are important obstacles for leisure of people physically deficient that can be considered as "physical". In this case we included the problem of transportation. There are also attitude obstacles (that refers to the attitudes of society with the people physically deficient. The others obstacles refers to the self acceptance of the PPDF that faces difficulties with his own deficiency . We carne to the conclusion that many of those obstacles can be decreased ifthe PPDF doesn t consider he is alone but inserted in a ,group that also shares similar problems. 1n this way we emphasize the contribution that performs the FCD group in the leisure of the PPDF. By an indirect way the group gives a reinforcement the spirituality of the person, so that he feels able to fight and react to deficiency by a direct way. Through the events that they organize and participate the group facilitates the socialization of jts members with their families and other groups, mobilizes different social-cultural activities, stimulates the participation of everyone, manifests itself public in several situatio~s and the group tries to take the PPDF off the isolation that the deficiency causes. By achieving a study about the obstacles that interfere in leisure of the PPDF we intend that it can contribute to found new municipal policies that will promote the leisure of the PPDF. We believe that those data can be usefuI as an initial diagnosis of fundamental importance so that the planning of leisure activities. in this area will be real and effective. With that, we think to have given the first step, or as one of the interviewed said "the first impulsion" to the effect that the PPDF s can overcome some oftheir limitations through the leisure


lazer deficientes fisicos

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