Baroque clinic: exercices of sympathy and sorcery / Clínica Barroca: Exercícios de Simpatia e Feitiçaria




This dissertation aims to promote an encounter of the clinic with the baroque, as an art and philosophys device that may contribute to your critic exercise. The baroques perspective that predominates in the work is done from the reading of Leibniz work by Gilles Deleuze and from the important concept of plica that goes to infinite, intensified in this reading. The procedure chosen in the research was to cross with this device some clinic situations which were reported from experiences with severe patients in a theater company, in an occupational therapy service and in your partnerships with projects at the line between art and clinic, and in a therapeutic accompanying work. Through cases presentations some relations between clinic and inclusion, adaptation, charity, cruelty, secret and monters were questioned. The sympathy and sorcery appear as mediators in these relations to indicate exits to an experimentation of the clinic disclosed from your conventional configurations. In the development of this work some baroques studies in the arts field were used, but mainly some concepts from Deleuze and Guattari to operate a critic. The works proposition is to compose a territory denominated baroque clinic with some of the necessary conditions to reactivate the clinic engagement with creation. Baroque, since the research beginning, is directed to neobaroque. For this the clinic thought was not moved based on closures, but it was moved based on captures: inside as temporary plica of outside. For this clinic, the proliferation of baroque principles is deserted in behalf of a multiplicity of agenciments, based on a single principle: the differencial life affirmation.


clínica psicologia subjectivity clinic baroque (device) terapia ocupacional arte e clínica casos clínicos clinic cases barroco (dispositivo) terapias art and clinic subjetividade occupational therapy

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