Banco de dados geológico-geotécnicos com base em sondagens à percussão e uso de SIG: análise espacial da profundidade do lençol freático e do \ N IND.SPT\ para obras de fundação em João Pessoa - PB / Geological-geotechnical Database with SPT sounding data and GIS: spatial analysis of water table level and \ N IND.SPT\ values applied to foundation maps in João Pessoa - PB (Brazil)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Geological-geotechnical databases have been used as important assistant tools in urban and environmental management activities. However, the kind of information necessary for one to work with such tools may not always be available or easily supplied. This work concerns the generation of a Decision Support System undertaken through means of a Geographic Information System (Arcgis 9.1). It presents the development of a geological geotechnical database of João Pessoa-PB, based on information obtained from boring logs of soundings with Standard Penetration Tests. This database has been designed to act as an additional support to the urban and environmental management city activities, as it might also work as an important resource to academic and practical fields. The research evolved important stages of database preparation and organization (digital topographic base), followed by spatial modeling and analysis such as digital elevation model (DEM) generation, location and insertion of all geological-geotechnical information. Deterministic (Topo to Raster) and Geostatistical (Ordinary Krigging) methods were used and compared during spatial modeling and analysis of two main variables: water table level and \ N IND.SPT\ values. Results were integrated in order to obtain water table level maps, as to foundation engineering works, for three different area sectors and depths.


banco de dados geológico-geotécnico geological-geotechnical database geostatistics water table level foundation engineering fundações geoestatística gis lençol freático sig spt spt

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