Bacteriophage phiX174 single-stranded viral DNA synthesis in temperature-sensitive dnaB and dna C mutants of Escherichia coli.


We asked if phiX174 single-stranded DNA synthesis could reinitiate at the nonpermissive temperature in dnaB and dnaC temperature-sensitive host mutants. The rates of single-stranded DNA synthesis were measured after the removal of chlorampheicol that had been added at various times after infection to specifically stop this stage of phiX174 DNA synthesis. Reinitiation was not defective in either mutant host. Our data suggested that the reinitiation of the single-stranded stage of phiX174 DNA synthesis in these experiments was analogous to the normal initiation of this stage of phiX174 DNA synthesis in infections without chloramphenicol. Assuming this to be the case, we conclude that the host cell dnaB and dnaC proteins are not essential for the normal initiation of the single-stranded synthesis stage of phiX174 DNA synthesis. In related experiments we observed that in the dnaC mutant host at the permissive temperature, phiX174 replicative form DNA synthesis continued at its initial rate even during the single-stranded DNA synthesis stage. This indicates that these two stages of phiX174 DNA synthesis are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

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