Avós, pais e netos: relações socioafetivas intergeracionais em situação de pedido de guarda na Vara da Infância e Juventude / Comarca de Santos/SP / Grandparents, parents and grandchildren: intergenerational socio-affective relations in situations of request for custody at the Childhood and Youth Jurisdiction at the District of Santos/SP




In this work we accomplished a study in quantitative and qualitative levels on the Requests for Custody at The Childhood and Youth Jurisdiction at the District of Santos.We have as subject the intergenerational socio-affective relations that occur in the requests for children custody required by the grandmother on the mothers side. Our goal is identifying the demand and knowing the affectivity present in families under this situation. In the quantitative level, we verified that, in the period from July 2004 to March 2005, the Requests for Custody were the kind of process litigated in second position. Among the Social Workers, the Requests for Custody were in first position. Considering the families involved in Requests for Custody, the indication was that the majority in situation of poverty. Among the solicitors, the grandmother on the mothers side was remarkable. In the qualitative level, the research was developed, through two families, considering two axes that are interconnected and superposed. The first axis, having the affectivity as its category, characteristic of family relations and family living when we work with the themes of characterization of feelings and the tensions that constitute and engender the Requests for Custody. The other axis, having the social and individual disqualification as its category, refers to the interface of the family with the social context and the ethical-political suffering. We concluded that there is the need for higher attention from public policies in the town in order to include families with children in custody condition and also that these situations must be analyzed very carefully by the social workers due to the impressive demand and their complexity. At last, these requests must not be another responsibility for the family due to the inefficiency of the system of social protection as well as these families need a collective space for sheltering and elaborating their affectivity


vara da infancia e juventude da comarca de santos, sp família avos e netos intergenerationality guarda de menores family relações socioafetivas pedido de guarda relacoes familiares requests for custody intergeracionalidade ciências sociais aplicadas socio-affective relations

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