Avidin-biotin latex agglutination assay for detection of antibodies to viral antigens.


A new method for attaching antigens to latex by an avidin-biotin technique is described. The procedure permits control of the amount of antigen attached to the latex and eliminates the need for highly purified antigens and destructive bridging chemicals. The avidin-biotin latex agglutination assay is a simple, rapid test well suited to detection of viral antibody. The sensitivity and specificity, respectively, of the avidin-biotin latex agglutination assay compared with other assay results for antibody to viruses were as follows: cytomegalovirus, 98 and 100% (indirect hemagglutination assay); measles virus, 96 and 100% (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay); and herpes simplex virus, 78 and 100% (indirect hemagglutination assay).

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