Avaliação microbiológica de produtos cárneos distribuídos aos pacientes em um hospital particular de Volta Redonda - RJ. / Microbiological evaluation of distributed meat products to the patients in a particular hospital in Volta Redonda RJ.




The food, when free of contamination, restitutes the energies and nutrients expenses for the organism and do not cause illness of alimentary origin, that a ssault, mainly, children, pregnant, people with weakened or depressed immune system that represents the majority of the patients of a hospital. This work evaluated the hygienical -sanitary conditions of the diet of a particular hospital of the City in Volta Redonda/RJ through the microbiological evaluation of meat in natura and its products distributed for patients; of distribution (hands of the manipulators) of the training and application, conditions Manual Good Practical s with the safety food. Collections in intervals weekly, the lunch and dinner - in third copy each, for a period of 6 weeks and lead to the microbiological analyses had been become fullfilled, in accordance with the requirements of the legislation (RDC n 12, of 02 of January of 2001), following the methodology for microbiological analyses of Normative Instruction n 62, of 28 of August of 2003. For qualitative evaluation (presence or absence of coliformes) of the distribution conditions the fingerprints of the manipulators in plates of Petri had been collected contend agar EMB being six plates in lunch and six in the dinner. After the second week was fullfilled a training on hygiene in the manipulation. In the samples in natura of bovine meat was evidenced the absence of Salmonella/25g and in the ones of chicken 45C was detected the presence of coliformes (in the ones of the fourth week absence was evidenced) - but inside of the standards allowed for the legislation, having verified that all met proper for the consumption. All the samples of the meat products had gotten as resulted the absence of Salmonella/25g; of Coliformes 45C; of Clostridium reducing sulfite and S.aureus, being proper for the consumption. Result of the fingerprints in the plates presented 29.2% refusals, after the training, 46% refusals . This work demonstrated that the quality raw material results in an end item with satisfactory hygienical-sanitary conditions, with this, the adjusted implantation of the Manual of Good Practical s guarantees a safety food. Less important it is not the training as observed in the fingerprints of the manipulators, before and after its accomplishment.


manual de boas práticas treinamento. food manipulators manipuladores de alimentos alimento seguro microbiologia manual of good practical safety food training.

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