Avaliação institucional : o uso dos resultados como estrategia de (re)organização dos espaços de discussão na universidade / Institutional evaluation : use of results as strategy of (re)organization of discussion spaces in the university




We aim to understand the production and utilization of the results derived from the process of Institutional Evaluation (I.E.). We understand them as strategies of (Re)organization of rooms of discussion in university context. We have taken as reference the process of Institutional Evaluation developed by the State University of Mato Grosso (UNEMAT), which the period of implementation had begun in 1997 and it was based on the PAIUB principles. Nowadays this process is adequate to SINAES lows. The main question of this research is: what are the results of the I.E. for? We have used as methodology a quanti-qualitative approach. We have initially a questionnaire applied (at random) to professors, students and employees. We have attested as limits in the process of I.E. the lack of divulgation, discussion and implementation of some action suggested by the results. We have attested as a forward step the recognition of the academic community toward the importance of evaluation and its need to obtain some gains. Lately, we have made local groups with a sample of participants, members of CPA and Chefs Departments, in order to understand, get deeper and discover the problems that separate the results obtained from the decisions to be taken. In order to have a better understanding, we have organized the results of this research into two big categories. In the first one, the conceptions of evaluation sustain the regulatory point of view, which makes the subjects afraid about "how" and "what for" these dates should be used. In the second, the concepts of evaluation, sustain the emancipator point of view. It offers the subjects to understand the results as something to optimize the institutional quality. This way, it becomes evident that the results of the evaluation has been used but in insufficient levels if we consider the fundaments of participative evaluation. The decisions taken had been effectuated only in level of physical, administrative and organizational changes. Although the resulting changes had been insufficient, such conclusion can be related to the fact that participation had been restricted, more intensively, to the application of the instruments of collecting opinions, so that this form of participation is insufficient to produce effects over the praxis and changes in conception. We have concluded it is necessary to rethink the ways of participation, to emphasize the learning in participating as a way to reach trustful results in the process of evaluation. It is only this way that CPA and the Institution as a whole could utilize as an optimizer strategy of the (re) organization of the rooms of discussion. Those dialogues can generate changes in conception, putting together new subjects ready to use emancipator principles in their praxis and breaking up with the installed fear about the proposal of the results of evaluation. This way, it is not the results of the evaluation that would put together the changes in quality conception or would make stronger the decisions to be taken but the possibility of discussing them collectively and promptly attached to the pedagogical project of the Institution.


discussão universities and colleges avaliação institucional institutional evaluation participação discussion paticipation universidade e faculdades

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