Avaliação institucional e projeto político pedagógico : uma trama em permanente construção


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The institutional evaluation has been increasingly used as an instrument for public educational policies and has been, thereafter, widely promoted by the media as an important measure of the quality of Brazilian public education. The aim is to encourage the community to actively participate in the schools evaluation process, from its objectives to its actions, as well as to evaluate its subjects and processes and to analyze the results of external evaluations, seeking solutions for the problems that have been detected. This project proposes an analysis of the manner in which the institutional evaluation, as part of the Public Education Policy of the Federal District, is present in everyday school life, as well as of how the generated data is used in the permanent construction of the Pedagogical Political Project of the Schools. Thus, the qualitative research methodology of the ethnographic kind, which requires a survey of descriptive data, was used, starting with the direct contact of the researcher with the object and situations of their research, which emphasizes the process in relation to the product itself, and which describes the meanings of the institutional evaluation for the studied school groups. The documental analysis of the Pedagogical Political Project was used as survey instrument, as were both the observation of the collective pedagogical coordination and of the schools everyday life and interviews with representatives of the School Boards. Therefore, the constant presence of the various evaluation processes in the schools was pointed out, as were the manner in which these processes are carried out starting with the conceptions of each school group and the manner in which they are used in the permanent construction of the Project in each school. The institutional evaluation, especially the one that comes from the school itself (internal), can become an important instrument to be used by the schools in order to empower them. For this purpose, it becomes necessary to create adequate conditions for the managers to guide and oversee such actions so as to guarantee their effective realization.


avaliação educacional educação e estado gestão da qualidade total educação educacao institutional evaluation pedagogical political project public education policy

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