Avaliação in vitro da transmissão de carga oclusal em próteses sobre implantes em função da inclinação de implantes através de análise fotoelástica / In vitro evaluation of occlusal load transmission in prosthetic implant according to the inclination of implants by photoelastic analysis


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The All-on-Four technique was conceived in order to decrease the length of the cantilever in the rehabilitation of edentulous patients with implant-supported prosthesis. However, still persist questions related to the biomechanical behavior of implants and the proper technique All-on-Four, since issues such as peri-implant bone loss and failure of the prosthetic components are not yet clearly elucidated. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the dissipation of tensions in the Branemark implant-supported prosthesis and All-on-Four, under static occlusal load, and the role of the balancing side and the complex behavior of implants / prostheses. Six replicas of the human mandible were made in photoelastic resin, divided into two groups: one with four implants placed axially and parallel to each other in interforaminal space (Branemark jaws), and another four implants inserted according to the All-on-Four technique. It was made an implant-supported denture, so that would fit in all six jaws. The experiment was conducted with the aid of a rotating load device, which permitted visualization of the jaws from all angles, without changing the applied load. After the standardized setting of specimen in the device, the prosthesis was screwed onto the implants in the jaw. The cargo shipments were made on three points: the cantilever prosthesis, in the first premolar and the lower central incisor incisal. For each point of application of loads, photograph was taken from the work sides of the jaws, balancing and the midline, bucal view and the midline lingual also. By the observed results, when loads were applied to more anterior regions of the prosthesis, the stresses in the distal inclined implants attenuated and other regions of the mandible showed lower stresses and better distributed. The fringes also showed that the angulation of the distal implants promoted changes in the axis of rotation of the implant / prosthesis. As it was found that the most distal implantat on the balancing side showed joint action with the distal implant of the working side in the jaw with axial implants, and the most distal implant on the balancing side of jaw with implants inserted according to All-on Four technique, the tension showed apices, denoting stake function. For the methodology it was concluded that an implant-supported denture, according to the All-on-Four technique, had a better dissipation of occlusal loads and balancing side was fundamental hole in helping to dissipate occlusal loads.


arcada edentada biomecânica biomechanics dental implants dental prosthesis implant-supported edentulous jaw estresse mecânico implantes dentários prótese dentária fixada por implante stress mechanical

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