Avaliação "In Vitro" da infiltração marginal em restaurações cericais com amalgama, utilizando diferentes sistemas adsivos como agentes intermediarios




In order to minimize the microleakage around amalgam restorations the use of intermediate adhesive agents has been proposed, which pennitsamalgam union to dental structure. The objective of this study was to evaluate dye penetration in cervical cavities restored with amalgam, «in vitro"and qualitatively, using some adhesivesas intermediate agents. One hundred cavities (n=2S) were prepared in the ftee surfaces of SO molars that were used in the experimento The specimens were randomly divided in 4 groups to test the adhesives: G-I, Prime &Bond 2.1 (Dentsply), G-II, Prime &Bond 2.1 Dual( Dentsply ), G-III, Scotchbond( 3M) and G-IV, Amalgambond( Parkel ). Afier the teeth were restored and polished, they were thermocyc1ed 1000 times between SOC and SSOC( ::t: 2°C ). Each specimen was sealed with 2 layers of nail varnish, except for the restoration and approxiII tely a 1 mm circunference surrounding than. The teeth were immersed m methylene blue 2% dye for 4 hours. Afier that, they were washed, dried, sectioned and evaluateq, using stereomicroscope( 25X ). Statistical analysis was carried out using the Kruskal-Wallis test and multiple comparisons. It was concluded that GIII demonstrated smaller levels of microleakage inenamel and dentin


adesivos dentarios infiltração restauração (odontologia) amalgamas

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