Avaliação in vitro da associação de laser de CO2 e fluor fosfato acidulado na inibição da progressão de carie em esmalte de dentes deciduos




The polarized distribution of dental caries experience and the increase of disease’s prevalence in primary teeth observed in some localities have impelled the development of new preventive methods. Several investigations have demonstrated that the CO2 laser irradiation on dental enamel - especially if combined with fluoride - increases the mineral acid resistance. However, the effectiveness of this combination on primary teeth has not been studied yet. Thus the purpose of this in vitro study was to investigate the effect of a CO2 laser at 10.6 µm wavelength, in association with acidulated phosphate fluoride (APF) on the inhibition of caries-like progression in demineralized primary dental enamel. Sound primary molars were sectioned mesiodistally and the enamel of sixty specimens was demineralized in acetate buffer solution 50% saturated with hydroxyapatite (pH 5.0) for 48 h. Next, they were randomly assigned in 6 groups (n=10) according to the treatments: 1) Carious group: storage in moist environment; 2) Control group: pH cycling; 3) L group: laser + pH cycling; 4) F group: APF + pH cycling; 5) LF group: laser + APF + pH cycling; 6) FL group: APF + laser + pH cycling. The pH cycling model was performed in a 5-day period (demineralizing solution pH 4.6 and remineralizing solution pH 7.0). Mineral loss was assessed by means of microhardness analysis and the percentage of caries progression inhibition was calculated for the L, F, LF and FL groups. In addition, the phosphorus and fluoride concentrations were determined in both de- and remineralizing solutions after pH cycling. The data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey Test at a 5% level of significance. According to the results, the mineral loss of the Control group was significantly higher than that of Carious, L, F, LF and FL groups, which, on the other hand, were not statistically different. The percentages of inhibition of caries-like lesion progression were 67%, 60%, 97% and 87% for the L, F, LF e FL groups, respectively. Chemical analysis of demineralizing solutions showed that phosphorus concentration was significantly higher for Control group and in remineralizing solutions the same was observed for F and FL groups compared to other groups. Fluoride concentrations in both de- and remineralizing solutions were significantly higher for the groups treated with APF compared to Control and L groups. The results of this study indicate that the treatments L, F, LF and FL carried out on the carious primary dental enamel were significantly effective on the inhibition of caries progression. Although the combination of CO2 laser and APF provided the highest caries inhibition rates, this additive effect was not statistically evidenced.


lasers caries dentarias odontologia

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