Avaliação ergonômica de processos e produtos na fabricação de estofados / Ergonomic evaluation of processes and products in upholstered furniture manufacture


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work aimed to perform an ergonomic evaluation of processes and products in the upholstered furniture manufacture produced in the furniture cluster (APL) of Ubá, Brazil. The material was collected from two upholstered sofas industries associated to the INTERSIND, with profiles of serving two different social segments of the population. As for the product, were evaluated 29 upholstered sofas, being produced 12 by industry "A" and 17 being produced by industry and "B". As for the process, were evaluated: the structure and operation of the upholstered furniture manufacturing process, the worker socioeconomic profile, the anatomical region exposed at risk of musculoskeletal disorders and the environmental factors, such as lighting, noise and thermal environment. The main results showed that the sofas produced by the two industries, in general, fulfilled to the recommendations set out in the work on the backrest height and useful seat depth. All sofas, however, proved to be inadequate in relation to the anthropometrical data and recommendations of authors in relation to the seat height to the floor and the dimensions of the armrests. The upholstery produced by the "B" industry, in general, presented higher dimensions to those produced by "A" industry. In both industries, the production processes had the same kind of machines, beyond the intensive use of manpower. The workers from both industries showed a low level of education, with male labor in the fields of timber processing and production and by women in the sewing section. The workers from both industries had similar answers regarding to complaints of pain or discomfort. The body regions most affected were the back, on top and bottom. Regarding environmental aspects, it was observed that, in both industries, the activities, in most workstations, are performed under adverse conditions to safety and health of workers and in noncompliance with the limits set by NR15, regarding assessments of noise and the thermal environment. The Most stations showed illuminance levels below the minimum established by the NBR 5413/1992.


manejo florestal indústria de móveis estofados ergonomia upholstery ergonomics furniture industry

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