Avaliação eletromiografica e eletrognatografica computadorizada de pacientes portadores de desordens temporomandibulares, tratados com aparelhos oclusais planos e reabilitados proteticamente / Electromyography and elettrognatography evaluation in patients with temporomandibular disorders, treated with flat occlusal appliances and rehabilitated prosthetically




The purpose of this study was to compare by means of computerized electromyography, the evolution of the activity of masseter, anterior temporal and digastric bilateral muscles and, by means of computerized elettrognatography, the mandibular movement pattern in vertical, lateral and front-back levels in patients with completely edentulous maxilla and partly edentulous mandible, with Class I or Class II Kennedy prosthetic spaces. A selection was made of 14 patients with a mean age of fifty-two years old, with signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders and diminished vertical occlusion dimension. The patients were submitted to treatment with flat occlusal appliances before the total prosthesis rehabilitation. The centric occlusion was obtained by means of an intraoral apparatus to get the Gysi?s Gothic Arch Tracing. Five electromyographic evaluation were performed; the first one was before the prosthesis installation and with the oclusal appliances and the last one was 90 days after the prosthesis rehabilitation. Data were submitted to Student?s t-test and Tukey Test at the 5% confidence level. According to the results obtained, it was concluded that, the free way space stayed inside of acceptable limits in both classes and in all evaluated periods; in the rest position, the electromyographic activity for the masseter, anterior temporal and digastric muscles didn?t show a significant statistic differences between the periods and the class evaluated; for the closing with no resistance situation, the same muscles didn?t show a significant statistic differences between the periods evaluated, but the class I showed more balanced than the class II Kennedy; and the practice of occlusal appliances, before the prosthesis rehabilitation, showed benefit to the muscle balance


electromyography eletromiografia masticatory muscles musculos mastigatorios

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