Avaliação dos ruidos articulares como diagnóstico complementar de desordens temporomandibulares / Assessment of temporomandibular joint sounds as a complementary diagnosis in temporomandibular disorders


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The joint noise is commonly recognized as a sign of an articular derangement, and its analysis is part of the data set collected in many systems of classification and diagnosis, both in research and clinical activities. Despite this importance, there is some difficulty in interpreting the sounds due to the natural variability of the phenomenon, subjectivism by examiners and the methods and equipments used for diagnosis. In order to get a more objective analysis, we developed a device to record and graphically analyze the sounds. This method allows the storage and subsequent analysis, even eliminating differences in perception of sound between the examiners. The present research aims to verify the effectiveness of the device developed by comparisons with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The agreement between the examiners and the analysis of the recordings were also made to verify the subjectivity of perception. Patients aged 14 to 75 years who reported muscle pain and / or the presence of joint sounds were included in the survey. We excluded those who had already received previous treatment, experience headaches, infections, recent facial trauma, systemic diseases, and pregnancy or pacemakers users. According to these criteria, a sample of 18 subjects was selected for the survey. The patients had joint noises detected with the methods of palpation and stethoscope by four examiners, and the sounds were recorded and then analyzed with the developed device. Finally, perceptions of the sounds made by all methods were applied in the research protocol RDC / TMD, and diagnoses for each patient were obtained. Finally, the comparison was made with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), adopted as the gold standard in research. From the results, according to Altman criteria, there was an agreement in terms of very low kappa values among the four examiners. In cycles of opening, according to the results obtained in the study, the examiner 2 (palpation method) showed a poor agreement with the examiners 3 and 4 (method of stethoscopes), (k = 0272 k = 0397, respectively). The examiner 3 had good agreement with the examiner 4 (k = 0698). In closing cycles, the examiner 3 had a poor agreement with the examiner 4 (k = 0398). In the comparison between the recordings and the examiners, there was a lack of agreement among these, with very low kappa values when possible to be calculated (k = k = 0021 to 0147). When the diagnoses obtained by RDC / TMD by all methods were compared with the findings of MRI, the recording method showed the best percentage of agreement (55.6%) compared to the perception of sound by the examiners (36.1 to 52%, 8%). The device developed for recording and analyzing the joint sounds proved to be an easy method of handling and display, achieving a better detection of the noise. The comparison with MRI confirmed this improvement.


análise espectral articulação temporomandibular diagnostic equipment equipamentos para diagnóstico sound spectrum analysis técnicas e procedimentos diagnósticos temporomandibular joint temporomandibular joint disorders transtornos da articulação temporomandibular

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