Avaliação do uso do medicamento homeopático Arnica montana no tratamento da dor e edema pós-operatórios em cirurgia buco-maxilo-facial. / An evaluation of the use of homeopathic Arnica montana on postoperative pain and swelling in maxillofacial surgery.




Homeopathy remains one of the most controversial subjects in therapeutics. A systematic review, evaluate the use of Arnica montana in postoperative maxillofacial surgery when attempting to relieve pain and swelling. We conclude that the effects of Arnica are beneficial but they are better when used in association with others homeopathic drugs or by surgeons who have general clinical experience or by those who believe in effects of these drugs (either patients and surgeons). Although there are no records about this kind of research, there is no doubt that homeopathy works, it is just that we do not know exactly how. This issue merits further investigation.


homeopatia cirurgia buco-maxilo-facial arnica montana arnica montana homeopathy maxillofacial surgery

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