Avaliação do uso do laser de Er: YAG sobre a remoção da camada de smear das paredes dos canais radiculares com achatamento mésio-distal submetidos à instrumentação rotatória / Evaluation of the use of the laser of Er: YAG on the removal of the layer of smear of the walls of the roots canals with mesio-distal flattening submitted to the rotatory instrumentation.




Manual or rotary instrumentation techniques do not efficiently clean mesio-distal flattened root canals. This study evaluated, in vitro, smear layer removal of 40 mesio-distal flattened root canals after rotary instrumentation. The teeth were then divided into 4 groups: group 1: rotary instrumentation and 2.5% sodium hypochlorite used as irrigating solution; group 2: instrumented as group 1 and followed by Er: YAG laser irradiation (140mJ input/10Hz), withdrawn at 2mm/s from the apical to the cervical region touching the buccal walls the procedure was then repeated for the lingual wall); group 3: instrumented as group 1 and followed by Er: YAG laser irradiation (250mJinput/10Hz) withdrawn at 2mm/s from the apical to the cervical region touching the buccal walls the procedure was then repeated for the lingual wall) and group 4: instrumented as group 1 and alternated with 17% EDTA Teeth were split longitudinally and prepared for examination under scanning electron microscopy. Scores from 1 to 4 were given to the fotomicrographs by three independent evaluators, and these data was submitted to statistical analysis. The teeth where alternated 17% EDTA were used (group 4) showed less amount of smear layer, followed by the group irradiated with 250mJinput/10Hz (group 3), the group irradiated with 140mJ input/10Hz and the group where only sodium hypochlorite was used. The apical third presented more smear layer than the middle third (p<00.1).


instrumentação rotatória endodontia. er: yag laser rotary instrumentation smear layer endodontics. smear layer laser er: yag

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